Digitaliseringsstyrelsen Internal Test SP OIOSAML-3.0 -

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NameId eg:
SPNameQualifier eg: https://saml.sp3.test-dev-f.nl3

Bootstrap Token Case

The following allows you to test STS using the Bootstrap Token Case. In this scenario the user identity is proofed by a bootstrap token that is obtained from Nemlog-in Web SSO as a result of a completed login transaction. The bootstrap token is embedded with the SAML assertion that is returned from Nemlog-in to WSC, who in this context assumes the role of Service Provider (SP), in accordance with the OIO SAML Web SSO profile [OIO-WEB-SSO]. The following is the scenario for authenticating using Bootstrap Token Case :
  • The bootstrap token is signed by Nemlog-in (2) and the certificate used for signing the AuthnRequest (1) to Nemlog-in Web SSO is referenced as “holder-of-key”

  • The WSC must sign the request to STS (3) with the same certificate used for signing the AuthnRequest (1) to Nemlog-in Web SSO

STS SOAP Action :    

WS-Trust Request


Response Encrypted
Response Decrypted